
Derbyshire County Golf

Ladies Derbyshire 2nd Team Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

23Lesley Watson (Chevin)
19Sandra Maxwell (Chevin)
16Libby Harrison (Chevin)
14Deborah Eaglefield (Burton-on-Trent)
9Jenna Ward (Matlock)
9Grace Harrison (Chevin)
8Millie Mee (Horsley Lodge)
8Fiona Roberts (Erewash Valley Golf Club)
8Catrin Russell (Chevin)
8Claire Wallhead (Tapton Park)
7Lorna Riley (Mickleover Golf Club)
7Jemima Elise Abbott (Marriott Breadsall Priory GC)
6Melanie Davey (Chesterfield)
6Lindsey Shaw (Chevin)
4Sian Mansey (Notts Ladies Golf Club)
4Debbie Deakin (Chevin)
3Lorraine Proudler (Ormonde Fields)
3Mel Prime (Horsley Lodge)
3Chloe Searson-Best (Kedleston Park)
2Teresa Burgoyne (Notts Ladies Golf Club)
2Lucy Pearson (Erewash Valley Golf Club)
2Bethany Charlton (Matlock)

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