
Derbyshire County Golf

Ladies Derbyshire 1st Team Statistics

Unbeaten Streak | Winning Streak | Most Appearances | Highest Ratio | Player of the League

13Debbie Deakin (Chevin)
10Catrin Russell (Chevin)
7Sarah Lundy (Matlock)
7Lesley Watson (Chevin)
6Grace Harrison (Chevin)
6Jenna Ward (Matlock)
5Melanie Davey (Chesterfield)
5Deborah Eaglefield (Burton-on-Trent)
5Sandra Maxwell (Chevin)
5Carol Simpson (Notts Ladies Golf Club)
4Libby Harrison (Chevin)
4Lorraine Proudler (Ormonde Fields)
4Bethany Charlton (Matlock)
4Janet Thomas (Chevin)
4Millie Mee (Horsley Lodge)
3Hannah Morrison (Chapel-en-le-Frith)
3Imogen Rafferty (Marriott Breadsall Priory GC)
2Sian Mansey (Notts Ladies Golf Club)
2Fiona Roberts (Erewash Valley Golf Club)
2Alison Smith (Chevin)
2Judith Gascoigne (Matlock)
2Olivia Kelly (Erewash Valley Golf Club)
2Lucy Pearson (Erewash Valley Golf Club)
2Pauline Bramley (Hallamshire Golf Club)
2Alice Lowe (Marriott Breadsall Priory GC)
2Linda Hamilton (Ormonde Fields)
2Janet Carlin (Ormonde Fields)

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