MNR North Final

Derbyshire 2nd Team Ladies win at Rothley Park

A long summer was successfully concluded for the Derbyshire Ladies 2nd Team as they defended the MNR North Region Final against Leicestershire at Rothley Park GC. Superbly led by Captain Janet Carlin, the Ladies triumphed by virtue of holes won after 4.5pts all in the games played.Try as I might, I couldn't condense Janet's match report so to read an epic then:

Click here for Match Report

Click here for Score Sheet

Ladies 2nd Team - 9th August 2018

Derbyshire 2.5 pts Shropshire 6.5 pts

Match: Derbyshire v Shropshire
Venue: Ormonde Fields Golf Club
Date: Thursday 9th August 2018

Team list and results attached.

Thursday 9th August saw the second team play their last sub-divisional match against Shropshire at Ormonde Fields. Thank you to the club officials, green keepers and caterers at the club for their help and support.

Thank you also to our supporters on the day namely, County Captain Judy, Richard Wheeldon, Cynthia Machent, Shelagh Lancaster, Jan Young and Margaret Brooks as well as our usual followers via digital media.

After the morning foursomes we were 1.5 - 1.5 with all to play for in the afternoon singles.

Sadly however, the team fought to the end with every player giving their all but lost the match 2.5 to 6.5. A great effort by Lydia to produce our only afternoon win. Although each player was obviously sad to have lost the last match they are never disheartened.

Derbyshire were already through to the Midland North Region Final on the 30th at Rothley Park. It would have been great to have four wins out of four going forward but we will come back stronger than ever.

With the majority of eligible players making themselves available for the final I now know who is likely to make up the team. I wish I could select everyone but sadly, I can’t, so I am hopeful that all will be there to play, caddie or just support on the day.

Derbyshire have now received the official invite from Leicestershire and I hope some of you may be able to join us if you are free.

Thank you to EVERYONE for getting us here so far. Players, reserves and supporters. You’ve all been wonderful It’s been an absolute pleasure to be the proud second team captain.

Best wishes to Trish McGloin (Shropshire) and Debbie Loach (Staffordshire) who have ended their two year role as second team captains. Its also been a pleasure working with them to fulfil our 2018 matches and I wish them all the best for any future roles or just a nice well earned rest! We look forward to hearing from the 2019/20 Captains from each County.

And so off to Rothley Park at the end of the month. It will be a great day and I know we are all looking forward to it.

Janet Carlin
2nd Team Captain.
12th August 2018

Ladies 2nd Team - 25th July 2018

Shropshire 4 pts Derbyshire 5 pts

Team sheet and result attached

Match Report attached

Ladies 2nd Team - 20th July 2018

Staffordshire 3.5 pts Derbyshire 5.5 pts

Match: Staffordshire v Derbyshire
Venue: Enville Golf Club (Lodge Course)
Date: Friday 20th July 2018

Team list and results attached.

Derbyshire second team all arrived safely at Enville and in good time for the morning foursomes. Sadly for Staffs this wasn't the case for their team and they had to start with one pairing short and therefore a disqualification. Thanks to Steve Rafferty for driving Imogen down having only just arrived back from Paris on Thursday afternoon.

It's becoming well known that Derbyshire have a great following and although we were away for this match we still had one or two supporters on the day. Thanks to Steve for seeing us off in the morning session, our vice-captain elect and super caddy, Janet Thomas, who travelled straight from a seniors match to join us at Enville the night before and also to Chris Bull and her fantastic camper van. Several good wishes were also received by digital media. What did we do before we had e-mailing, texting and Whats App?

Sian and Lesley had prepared themselves well with notes from their practice round and walking of the course, sharing their information with the rest of the team. It's very much appreciated and particularly takes Sian a good few hours to document and copy.

Staffs were obviously hoping that the home fixture would be to their advantage having lost the week before and I have to say that was true of the morning foursomes. Sadly our only point came from the disqualification.

Some great play but Derbyshire found the Staffs pairings just a little bit too difficult to overhaul. That said, every member of the team remained positive for the afternoon singles and they were determined to bring home the win. It was going to be a tall order. We needed 4 points from the 6 singles games and Staffs had some very experienced players.

During lunch we agreed our afternoon singles playing order and exchanged our listings with Staffs Captain, Debbie. Everyone was keen to know who they would be playing against. By now the missing Staffs player had arrived, having been on the receiving end of a troublesome car in the morning.

Despite being 2 - 1 down from the foursomes, the team lined up and looked strong. Rain was scheduled for the afternoon so Judy and I packed the buggy with everything we might need, and then some! Our rookie junior had drawn one of Staffs most experienced and skilled players but Imogen was up for the challenge. Oh to be 15 again and hitting a ball like that.

Everyone away, Judy and I were keen to support our newest member if the team and we had Chris and Janet caddying too. Lots of support out there on the course. County Captain and I tracked our junior to make sure she wasn't fazed by the game and experienced opponent but I have to say she was so relaxed and looked like she had been in the team for years.

Games were quite tight to start with and I was just pleased with how well we were holding up against a Staffs team who clearly wanted their home win.

Judy and I were whizzing between our players handing out water and checking on scores. We wanted to pass on any positive news which might help the players.

Such determination across the whole team and some magnificent shots were played. I think it became clear by the halfway point that Derbyshire were capable of pulling off a truly great win but I wasn't going to let my excitement run away with me.

The rain had started and we handed out umbrellas, waterproofs and trolley covers to ensure our players were not disadvantaged. Even the Staffs players commented on the fact that we could materialise anything from the magic buggy.

Debs Eaglefield had played through Sian and her opponent whilst Sian carried out some very innovative repairs to her brolly holder. Such skill and imagination. I'll leave her to explain that one.

As a result, Debs was our first win on the board and Judy and I couldn't contain ourselves as we quickly got the message to the rest of the team. Sian couldn't lose and was quickly bringing home the second win. We were now 3 - 2 up and we knew that Lesley and Imi were dormy and couldn't lose. Both travelling down the 18th.

Judy and I didn't know which way to go next. We knew we had one more point at the very least but Lesley and Imi could pull off the last two points we needed for the win. Lorraine and Lorna were close behind and if we wanted to secure a win and not to half the match we decided to stay with our last two players in the hope that we could encourage another win. Thanks to Sian and Debs who supported Lesley and Imi to the conclusion of their matches.

Unfortunately, this meant we didn't know the result of those matches but we worked on the basis that if we had two halves we just needed one more win to secure the match. We weren't satisfied with a half now.

Lorna had held her opponent so well until the last few holes but couldn't overturn her score but she gave her all. What a great effort.

Still not sure of the result of the two games on the 18th Judy and I stayed to support our last game on the course. Lorraine was playing her nemesis, Lynn, who had beaten her quite significantly at their last meeting. Not to be outdone, Lorraine never gave up and we knew she had secured the half as she chipped in on the 16th to our applause.

By now we knew we couldn't lose the match but a win was in our reach and we dashed off to the 18th green to find out the results from Lesley and Imi. By the time Lorraine was on the 18th tee we had caught up with the rest of the players and realised that Lesley had secured the half and Imi the win. We now knew that we were going to win the match whatever the result in Lorraine's game, win or half. We were now 4.5 - 3.5.

Trying hard, but failing to stifle the excitement, we turned our attention to supporting Lorraine who played the 18th to perfection and pulled off the win giving us a final score of 5.5 - 3.5.

I thought the win at Ormonde was special but this was wonderful. Heart stopping at times, but wonderful.

And now we are off to The Shropshire Golf Club next week (Wednesday 25th July) when we have our first match against Shropshire. We have several officials and other players travelling to watch this match and I thank everyone one of you for your continued support along with those who closely monitor our performance back at home and share congratulations with the team. It's very much appreciated and lovely to know you are all there with us.

My thanks go to the whole team who again gave their all. What a team of players. A team captain couldn't be prouder of you all. My thanks also go to supporters and caddies. We couldn't do it without you and especially to County Captain, Judy. Always by my side with advice and guidance.

Janet Carlin
2nd Team Captain.
23rd July 2018

Ladies 2nd Team - 12th July 2018

Derbyshire 6.5pts  Staffordshire 2.5pts

A very dry Ormonde Fields greeted the 2nd teams of both Counties and played a genial host for the match. One point ahead after the morning foursomes, the Derbyshire Ladies took control in the afternoon singles.


Match: Staffordshire v Derbyshire
Venue: Ormonde Fields Golf Club
Date: Thursday 12th July 2018

Well, it was my first outing as a team captain since becoming the Vice Captain. In many ways it was similar to the organisation of the seniors team but somehow a little bit more tense when it came to the actual day. After last year’s excellent result, there was a lot of expectation in the air.

This was probably the first time that Ormonde Fields had been selected as a second team match venue and I am grateful to the Board and Committee for their support and keen approach to assist the County.

As is my usual modus operandi, I arrived super early to ensure all was in order and the banner was in place, cards prepared and a quick double check on the catering for the day and we were ready to commence. By now a few Staffordshire players had arrived and then all of a sudden the Derby-shire players were all present and correct.

It was great to see everyone proudly displaying their new kit with the Derbyshire County Golf logo. Great to have Ruth back in the squad even if she did have to borrow Judy’s trolley in the morning and mine in the afternoon. Typical breakdown of her own trolley at the Matlock Scratch Cup last weekend. Thanks to Jamie for getting Alex to us on time. We were almost ready to go.

Maggie, our immediate past President officiated on the tee for the morning foursomes and we were on our way. Judy and I set off with the buggy carrying water and snacks along with the coun-ty teddy mascot, finding strategic points to place Maggie and ourselves to get maximum view of the teams and give the best support.

Regular checks on everyone’s welfare was paramount to us. Wish we had given similar support to our mascot!!! In the end, we felt so sorry, we found a replacement of similar size who didn’t mind sitting on the back of the buggy. Sorry Judy, couldn’t resist it.

All players were keen to do well and everyone had a smile on their face. Would that remain? Let’s hope so.

There were some excellent shots and play taking place and we were lucky that Ormonde didn’t seem quite as parched as some courses and still had a few lush areas. Great to have Jan Young with us as support and following the teams and by the afternoon Janet Thomas, our Vice Captain elect, had arrived too. This was a complete surprise as she only landed back in the UK after her holiday in Canada, the night before. I’m not entirely sure she knew what time zone she was in but she thoroughly enjoyed the day she spent with us.

After the morning foursomes the team were 2 - 1 up and positive feelings were running through the players. The matches had been quite close at times and could have gone either way but the Derbyshire team were strong and keen to do well.

After a slightly less than healthy, but delicious plate of excellent fries and sandwiches for lunch, we entrusted the first player out in the afternoon singles to Lesley. We knew she was up to the task and ready to take on whatever Staffs could start the afternoon session with. She and Lynn set off and we had positive feelings, after all Debbie Deakin had arrived and was on Lesley’s bag.

One by one the afternoon singles set off and last player, Debbie ‘the Eagle’ Eaglefield finally set off and back to the buggy we chased. We were so keen to catch up with the games and find out how everyone was doing.

By now our County Secretary, Richard had spent some time watching the matches and swiftly followed by President Paul who stayed with us until the end. I hear by a very reliable grapevine source that the Staffordshire team were very impressed with the amount of official support that Derbyshire enjoyed on the day. I have to say, it was great to see everyone out there encouraging the team on. Thank you to everyone who gave their time to come and see the match and to Harry for bringing that special cup of tea that enabled Beth to pull off the 5 and 3 win.

Lesley did as we thought and brought home that much needed first win in the afternoon. My faith was justified. I knew she would do it. What a player.

Sian battled back hard to bring home a much needed half and by now Alex had added a 3 and 1 win. We knew we had won but the icing on the cake was the 5 and 3 win by The Eagle.

Hard luck to Ruth who battled hard and gave her all.

The afternoon singles results were fantastic with 4.5 - 1.5.

Overall, Derbyshire won 6.5 - 2.5. A wonderful result and a game played in excellent spirits and good company with Debbie Loach and her Staffordshire players who also enjoyed the delights of the Derbyshire tuck box. Who would have thought that President Paul had a liking for Dolly Mix-tures and Jelly Beans (it’s out of the bag now Paul) and the local wildlife chased the spectators around for go-ahead biscuits

I can’t tell you how proud I was of all the players. Win, lose or draw, they gave their very best and I couldn’t have asked for more. Not one of them gave up and it was wonderful to see.

So it’s off to Enville next week (Friday 12th July) when we have our return match with Staffordshire. The Lodge Course has been booked and we are very much looking forward to Staffs hosting us. It would be great to see anyone who would be able to give us some support on the day. We look forward to seeing you all.

My thanks go to the whole team, the supporters, Ormonde Fields for their use of the course and the excellent conditions and catering but especially to Judy who stood by my side throughout. What a Captain. Next time though, use your own glasses and don’t resort to pinching mine!!!

Janet Carlin
2nd Team Captain.
12th July 2018

About the 2nd Team...

Derbyshire's 2nd Team play in the Midlands North Division against Staffordshire and Shropshire, Home and Away games each year over 36 holes. We field a team of 6, playing three foursomes matches in the morning followed by six singles in the afternoon.

The winners of the division qualify to play in the regional final.

Derbyshire's 2nd Team is chosen from the 2018 County Squad.

The squad is currently busy training and playing in readiness for the fixtures below. My thanks go to Judy the County Captain, Lorraine our Training Officer, Adey & Christian our coaching professionals and of course the players for all their invaluable input and commitment.


12th July v Staffordshire (H) - Ormonde Fields

20th July v Staffordshire (A) - Enville

25th July v Shropshire (A) - The Shropshire

9th August v Shropshire (H) - Ormonde Fields

Thank you to Ormonde Fields for hosting our home fixtures.


Please come along and support the team at any of these matches – it encourages the players and lifts their game – always good to see a familiar face – please join us.

Janet Carlin
2nd Team Captain